Dr. Robert Tomaro
Symphonic Conductor & Composer

Conductor Robert Tomaro's recent engagements include concerts and recordings with The London Symphony Orchestra, The Slovak Radio Orchestra, The Silensian Philharmonic Orchestra of Poland, The Black Sea Philharmonic of Romania, The Moravian Philharmonic Orchestra of the Czech Republic and many orchestras throughout the United States. He has toured extensively throughout Scandinavia, England, France, and Eastern Europe....

Excerpts of Dr. Robert Tomaro in Concert
Aaron Copland | Hoedown from Rodeo
Ludwig van Beethoven | Symphony No. 5 in C minor
Tchaikovsky | Symphony No. 4
Tchaikovsky | Romeo and Juliet Fantasty Overture
Bizet | Prelude to Act 1 - Carmen
Mascagni | Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana
Strauss | Four Last Songs - Im Abendrot (At Sunset)
Puccini | Nessun Dorma from Turandot
Stravinsky | The Firebird
Brahms | Symphony No. 1 Mvt I

Excerpts Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 5 in C minor - March 24, 2024

Aaron Copland - Hoedown from Rodeo - March 24, 2024

Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 4

Tchaikovsky - Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture

Bizet - Prelude to Act I - Carmen

Mascagni - Intermezzo from Cavalleria Rusticana

Strauss - Four Last Songs Im Abendrot (At Sunset)

Puccini - Nessun Dorma from Turandot


Robert Tomaro is fast gaining a reputation for his electrifying and innovative performances in the international arena of symphonic conducting and composition. His credits include concerts and CD recordings with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Slovak Radio Orchestra, the Silesian Philharmonic Orchestra of Poland, the Black Sea Philharmonic of Rumania, the Hayes Symphony in London, and the Fairbanks Symphony in Alaska. He has toured extensively throughout Scandinavia, England, France, Poland, Rumania, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic.
Dr. William Intriligator
Music Director and Conductor
Dubuque Symphony Orchestra
2728 Asbury Road, Suite 900
Dubuque, Iowa, 52001
work: 563 557 1677
cell: 563 564 0279
Michael Shapiro
Music Director
Chappaqua Symphony Orchestra
974 Hardscrabble Road
Chappaqua, New York 10514
Home: 914 238 9367
Work: 212 417 9191
Dr. Esther Lamneck
Director New York University
Contemporary Ensemble
Department of Music and Arts Professions
Department of Music and Arts Professions (retired)